(By Ramón D. Marín)

Those of us that were not born rich, geniuses, perfect nor in a good family suffer from scarcity of opportunities that allow us to provide ourselves and our families with our own means for survival; thats why it becomes necessary that the inequalities, proper of beings of bone and flesh be alleviated. Our planet is generous enough to supply for the needs of all the population, but that generosity has been inequitably administered.

The Convention Against Social Injustice declares that all human beings have the obligation of helping one another and that the whole of the resources and goods in the planet belong to all its inhabitants equally and not more to some and less to others (or is it that some of us are less human than others?).

For the former considerations to become effective, all human beings have the following obligations:

  1. To contribute the necessary material goods for every human being to have the protection of all the rights stated in the Declaration of Human Rights.

  2. To administer, in a fair and egalitarian manner, the goods and resources belonging to humanity (and the product of their exploitation) that have been put under our custody (wheather by election, appointing, inheritance or any other circumstance), lest we become subject to the penalties and sanctions that the Laws Against Social Injustice of each nation consider for that matter.

  3. To ensure a fair and egalitarian distribution of the goods and resources belonging to humanity and the product of their exploitation; so that nobody, not even those living in the most isolated places, is left without the protection for our rights in the dignifying way that we all deserve as human beings.

  4. To enforce a fair and egalitarian distribution of the goods and resources belonging to humanity and the product of their exploitation, when we have the function of governor, manager, administrator, leader, etc.

  5. To pass laws that cause and allow a fair and egalitarian distribution of the goods and resources belonging to humanity and of the product of their exploitation (when we have the function of legislators) so that all and everyone of the members of the community to which those laws encompass be protected in our rights; in the way that we all deserve as human beings.

  6. To honor all the postulates of the Convention Against Social Injustice and ensure their implementation and fulfillment so that all the goods and resources belonging to humanity and the product of their exploitation benefit equally all communities belonging to the human race.

  7. To honor the Laws Against Social Injustice of each nation and ensure their fulfillment so that all the goods and resources belonging to humanity and the product of their exploitation benefit equally all communities belonging to the human race.

  8. It is the job of the global entity to implement a global treasury system that ensures all communities member of the human race to benefit equally from all the goods and resources belonging to humanity and the product of their exploitation.

  9. To contribute the goods and/or labor that the corresponding (national, regional, local) entity consider necessary to help a given community in case of calamity.

  10. It is the job of each nation to implement emergency funds for cases of catastrophe and calamity.

  11. It is the job of the global entity to insure the implementation and fulfillment by the nations of all the postulates of the Convention Against Social Injustice.

  12. Each nation has the obligation to provide the necessary resources so that all and every one of the inhabitants of the planet should have, in a real and effective manner, the protection of all the rights stated in the Declaration of Human Rights.

  13. It is the job of each nation to implement the postulates of the Convention Against Social Injustice by passing laws which must contain (among other things) the penalties and sanctions for dishonorable performance in the function of administration (or enforcement of a fair and egalitarian administration and distribution) of the goods and resources belonging to humanity and on the function of legislation referring to the implementation of the postulates of the Convention Against Social Injustice.

  14. An administrator is somebody who by election, appointing, inheritance, or any other circumstance- is in charge of the global entity, or a national, regional, local, community, entity, etc. or a company, institution, cooperative, etc. (or a department/division, etc. of any of the above).

  15. The function of enforcement of a fair and egalitarian administration of the goods and resources belonging to humanity falls primarily on the chair persons of the global, national, regional, local, community, etc. entities; and presidents of companies, institutions, cooperatives, etc. and secondarily on the leaders that have not been appointed officially.

Love ♥ Peace


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