(August 2016 - last updated: March 2023)

(By Ramón D. Marín)

A Circle Formed by a Bunch of Holding Hands around the Blue Earth

  • Utmost respect for individual liberties and human rights, acknowledging that freedom has the potential to be abused.

    The efforts of the Global Party for Common Good will be aimed towards promoting legislation and regulations, and creating consciousness that make the universal principles of humanness become real for all and everyone of the inhabitants of the planet; so that we all are considered human, not only those in possession of wealth. There might seem to be the need to incorporate into the declaration of human rights the reminder that “my freedom ends where your freedom begins.”

  • We believe in the benefits of establishing a global government and we believe that this goal is going to be achieved naturally with the coming of age, as a natural development of history.

    Yet, it's absolutely necessary to fight for this cause on many fronts, since many people in the world are strongly afraid of this prospect. The current system of the United Nations is a very inefficient one for the solution of the huge problems that humanity is faced with. We advocate for a binding, global "constitution" and "laws." The very United Nations Organization will probably evolve up to naturally becoming the global government that our planet needs.

  • The implementation of policies and global laws intended to guarantee the temporary monopolization by United Nations or global government of weapons of mass destruction and technology that represent a threat to the planet's peace and stability; followed by the disarmament of the planet and total prohibition of such weapons.

    This can be enforced by means of global resolutions and mandates to grant the temporary possession of those weapons and technology by the countries in which they have been developed, up to the moment of issuing those laws; and setting deadlines towards total disarmament of the planet and prohibition of weapons to everybody, except for the global and local police.

    It is an essential step, for the Earth to be at peace with itself, which will also serve as a guarantee that, in the long run, we will not be happening to become a threat to "The Universe".

  • The existence of an authority in the cosmos, which has had the mission of watching for common good for many billions of years (maybe more).

    Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA sees the cosmos as a place where an order predominates. That order means that the forces of good prevail. They are preceded by a unified, “political,” “military,” "scientific," "technological" (for lack of better words) force whose nature and duties were established at the beginning of time by the most ancient and advanced civilization of the cosmos. That force will be known on Earth as "The Universe". "The Universe" has determined throughout many billions of years of cosmic experience that there is the need to have some standards / limits / regulations.

    The forces of good on our planet have the moral obligation to support "The Universe" in its mission of watching for common good, in order to rightfully be called the forces of good.

  • The forces of good are starting to be a reality on our planet.

    The forces of good on our planet (which are still being assembled) are undertaking the mission of fighting for common good on Earth. They need everybody's support to carry out their mission, which has to be carried out with the planet as a whole in mind, not only one country, or seven, or twenty. There's the need that the house be put in order globally, without leaving anybody behind.

    Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA will undertake the task of supporting "The Universe" in its perpetual mission. It is necessary that more people support the actions of COUSMA as the leader of the struggle for common good on our planet.

  • The equitable distribution of the resources of the planet, in accordance with the best conception of common good to achieve (along with other policies) the eradication of poverty from the face of Earth.

    Big multinational companies amassing giant fortunes, by taking hold of the resources that belong to the the planet as a whole, cause each time more wealth concentration; and capital concentrates not only by individuals but also by countries. If global "laws" are not created that facilitate a distribution of wealth according to the needs of the population, the problem will become unsustainable. The human being was given the capacity to find solution to his own problems and he will surely see that withoutborderism and equality (michalist companies) are the way.

  • The creation of an egalitarian kind of company.

    ASSIGNMENT MICHAELIST COMPANIES will be a great alternative to greedy capitalism because it will entail the distribution of wealth in a juster manner, given the fact that most of the company's revenue will be used to improve the employees life conditions, to create new jobs, and to finance the "Assignments by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA for common good".

  • Compassion for all sentient beings.

    We consider animals as our martirized brothers and sisters in “The Universe” and we are committed to the defense of animal rights. We see it as a priority to encourage the adoption of veganism as a way of life all throughout our planet. We believe that all sentient beings have a right to life and we regard taking animal lives as absolutely evil and unnecessary. We totally condemn the holocaust being performed worldwide on a daily basis against our innocent and defenseless animal brothers and sisters. We acknowledge the benefits that stopping industrial farming of animals will bring to the environment (see COSMA's Vegan Vision as of 2019).

  • Absolute condemnation of death penalty.

    We consider death penalty as the worst violation of human rights and one of the worst horrors in human history. We feel ashamed that such conspicuous lack of humanness has persisted for so long. We believe that in the future humanity will have juster social and political institutions and consequently less crime than today. Non-humane ways of punishment must be abolished.

    “An execution is not simply death. It is just as different from the privation of life as a concentration camp is from prison. It adds to death a rule, a future premeditation known to the future victim, an organization which is itself a source of moral sufferings more terrible than death. Capital punishmentis the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal’s deed, however calculated can be compared. For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life.”[*]
    “It is perfectly obvious that those that are in favor of death penalty have more affinities with the murderers than those who oppose it.[**]
  • Soon to be born, Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA, should propose English as the official language of withoutborderism and of the world.

    The totality of today’s languages –in spite of the great affection that they stir in us– will no longer exist in perhaps less than 1,000 years. The inhabitants of that future will be speaking new languages descending from the languages of today, in a pandemonium to last for millennia upon millennia to come. But as centuries elapse, all the languages will resemble one another more and more each time; and, in a very long run, due to increasing interconnectivity and globalization, the world will be speaking a single language, condensed from the languages with the most worldwide prominence throughout the millenia. Wouldn't it be a good idea for us to help the world to have a language that we all can understand as soon as possible? A language spoken in all of the countries of the world is a need of both the present and the future. English is the most worldwide spread second language in today’s world. Thus we should take advantage of what has been achieved in the road towards the establishment of a global language (see "ILW🚲 [Interactional Language Workout] V0.01" Discussion Topics).

  • The elimination of the impediments for people to mobilize from one nation to another; we also embrace the freedom of movement of capitals and products.

    As the world moves towards mandatory global, laws; national borders will become more difficult to sustain; especially in terms of traveling from one country to another. However, we foresee that when the world becomes like one only nation and the enormous economical differences (among individuals and nations) be alleviated, there will be no mass migration anymore; since the motivation for so many people to want to move to developed countries is no other than economic inequality.

  • The understanding among nations and the peaceful solution to conflicts.

    When the world gets to be like one only nation, there will be neither war nor conflicts among nations anymore. Weapons will be virtually unnecessary.

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