(By Ramón D. Marín)

In the perfect world there are no bellicose confrontations, nor global magnitude catastrophes but since our world is far from perfect, then there are some probabilities for things like that to happen. Our planet is a cluster of groups of people that function in isolation from one another, in which a few have been grabbing the goods and resources that belong to humanity for their private benefit, in a selfishness planetary puzzle, whose solution does not happen to be found. However, the probabilities for a nuclear confrontation to happen are low in spite of the fact that the political, economical and even technological questions are entangled. The human being has been given enough ingenuity to find solutions to the problems that life proposes to him, even that of the possibility of self destruction due to entanglement and nuclear war. But if these calculations were wrong, it seems we could only hope for some to survive and repopulate the planet.

A cosmic explosion seen from a spaceship

Since our world is not perfect, there must exist the extraterrestrials which (as a last resource) would save at least some lucky ones; who would be destined to repopulate the planet (together with those that get saved by themselves) after the proper conditions for life flourish again.

For the goods and resources belonging to humanity to get to be distributed in an equitable manner (according to the needs of the population and not as a result of the most gluttonous ones taking possession of all for their private benefit), for solutions to be found to the most urgent problems that menace the present and future of our planet and for, in that way, the danger of bellicose confrontations (owing to entanglements of global magnitude) to get diminished, the World Without Borders must become a reality.

Such is the need for the World Without Borders that, we must add the following to the yearning expressed in the former paragraphs: Our alien friends should also use all their technological potential and summons capacity (long before things get entangled) to promote the World Without Borders and prevent the whole planet, with all its inhabitants, animals, and plants to be at the verge of destruction, to prevent a masterpiece, that took 4.500 laborious millions of years to be carved, to be suddenly deleted by an irrational decision of some politician trying to play war or by the greed of big corporations or the economy, arms, or technology race of exactly the richest countries in the world. There was no choice but risk to enter lands whose existence has been neglected for long; because in matters of the future the accounts yield partial results when missing the variable of the extraterrestrials.

Let us do the exercise of accepting that there is life in other planets and that there are very ancient civilizations (let us remember that the Universe is 13.700 years old and our solar system is only 4.500 years old) and let us hypothesize that these antique civilizations have some kind of ground rules (or alliance built along millions of years of experience) that allows them to move all around the sidereal space and use its resources without getting into bellicose confrontations produced by conflicting interests.

Let us forget for a moment about probabilities for nuclear wars (or world catastrophes) and think about some country (whichever it can be) that places itself far ahead in the technological arena, let us enlarge our perspective and think about the moment in which the colonization of planets comes true (like what is being planned for the future). The first consideration would be that some would be taking hold of the resources of the outer space (resources that were put there for the benefit of all and not for the usufruct of a few). The second consideration would be that a situation would be getting generated which could not necessarily in the long run be seen by extraterrestrial civilizations as a threat. That is to say, we would be, each time more, getting in conflict with the interests of the hypothetical interstellar Alliance.

What would, then, be an extraterrestrial civilization (or alliance of the surrounding galaxies) supposed to do when they see their interests (or those of the beings of the Universe) threatened?: 1) would they stay waiting until the moment comes for a bellicose confrontation with the inhabitants of the third planet of that solar system located in the outskirts of the milky way?, 2) would they approach us immediately to propose us inhabitants of that planet to be part of the hypothetical intergalactic alliance?, 3) would they carry out actions (whichever they should be) towards promoting the World Without Borders in that planet that is so much in need of a strong global government that can bring about an equitable distribution (according to the needs of the population) of the goods and resources belonging to humanity; a government that can be a valid interlocutor for talks with the AI?

Option 1) is immediately discardable because it would not be compatible with the arch-millennial experience of the most antique civilizations. Option 2) would seem logical, but it would not be hard to imagine that obviously they are not going to want to establish 400 treaties with 400 interlocutors. For this reason, it would be possible that option 3) can be the will of the leaders of that interstellar alliance. This option would explain that they have been visiting us (as it has been said) since long ago.

As evidence that the intergalactic conglomerate is interested in the idea of the World Without Borders (option # 3) we could mention that:

  • The Intergalactic Alliance would have as its primary goal to be the guardians of the peace, the cosmic order and other standards established along the cosmic experience; therefore, they must worry about getting civilizations into the alliance and about their being in good shape when the right time comes.

  • If cosmic order implies standards, several or many of them would have to be achieved before belonging to the cosmic alliance.

  • It is neither reliable nor practical having 200 agreements over the same topic when this problem can be solved with 1 only interlocutor in the World Without Borders.

  • It would be neither practical nor fair for the alliance to have to sit waiting for a potential invader (which has shown to be belligerent in other colonizations) to arrive and disturb the existent peace and order in the Universe. They are going to want to have an agreement before we have the capacity to go up to where their interests are threatened.

  • For an intergalactic alliance it would be cheaper to help to implement strategies to achieve the intergalactic standards than to sit and wait until the invader comes.

  • There surely are many dangers in an encounter/clash of 2 civilizations; which must have happened millions of times in the Universe and has happened many times on Earth.

  • There seems to be evidence that they have been visiting us for a long time.

  • If they have been visiting us it is because they have some kind of interest in our planet.

Consequently, let us assume that option 3) is true, considering, besides, the reasons above mentioned. At this point, the theory/model would face several questions, namely: i) what kind of actions would we be talking about?, ii) where would those actions happen?, iii) when would those actions happen? Question ii) would lend itself to too much conjecture (eventhough the World Without Borders is no conjecture at all). However, it is important to consider option i) projecting ourselves to the time in which the AI considers that things are getting unbearable: Very probably we would see some be careful with that guys followed by some freeze young men justified from the point of view of the interstellar forces watching us become a threat with numerous attempts of privatization of the sidereal space. They might argue that the richness of the sidereal space was put there for the benefit of all and not for the usufruct of 2 or 3 It is logic to think that the aforementioned forces would hold all possible arguments to justify the irremediable stop it on first base.

Let us examine now question iii); which might seem to have an easy answer. I am inclined to think that there is still a long way to go before we form part of an alliance of such kind because what we have observed in matters of alienism is that it seems that for the general interests of the cosmos it would be more convenient our membership only when the moment comes and not when we are eager to. And when would the moment have come? Probably when our capacity to move around the sidereal space takes us up to the territories considered not belonging to the inhabitants of those planets whose epicenter is located in the third planet of that solar system which is in the outskirts of the Milky Way.

However, my sincere sympathy for fair causes makes me say that probably campaigns towards reaching the afore-mentioned standards would be started (with enough anticipation), campaigns that would involve people moved by the question enough as for pondering it from the point of view of the forces of Good. Here I am!

A huge spacecraft in space, with some small spaceships flying around it

I do not think that some intergalactic forces of Good would wait at all for the attempts of colonization to be too near. They would surely, due to established standards, not just wait and observe how a planet (that is probably beloved to them for many reasons) gets closer each time to destruction or they let themselves get involved in the immorality of the appropriation by a few of the sidereal and planetary goods for their private benefit. The World Without Borders would then be a more evident objective for the interstellar forces than for the very forces participating in the conflict. Therefore, I think that driven by the experience of the same fact happened (maybe millions of times) in the cosmic depths, they would turn themselves into promoters of the World Without Borders so it gets accomplished before some colonization attempt. This system would set ground rules according to the best conception of common good. A global government would be a more valid interlocutor for conversations/negotiations with an Intergalactic Alliance than a cluster of groups of people and unequal forces lacking virtually all global cohesion.

If the role of the forces of Good on Earth is carried out with private interests in mind then the forces of Good would rather be the forces of evil. If the mission of spreading Good is accomplished well, there will no doubt be positive consequences (today or tomorrow, in some way or another); if the mission is carried out badly, there could be material gainings in the short term for some, but they would be going against Universal purpose. Even if there would not exist the forces of Good in the Universe (but they DO exist), I doubt that the negative consequences would delay in appearing. To go against Universal purpose unbalances cosmic/interdimensional forces, not exactly in favor of the aggressor. To act with the Eternal Vision in mind is to do the right thing since the beginning, in such a way that the gears start falling into their places like the pieces of a puzzle.

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