NOTICE: for a period of time, the title of this book was "Intergalactic Spy" until it was decided that it should be changed to “The Will Of The Universe” ( #WillOfUniverse). Details below in the update for AUGUST 20, 2022.


Until about December 2015, there was no intention whatsoever to write about what was taking place in relation to operation emissaryhood because…

…but then I felt a strong need to inform about it; so it was decided that it was a good idea to write an article. Then it was decided that the article could be turned into a book. 

The thing is that I started work on something that would soon be called ispy in approximately January 2016; and in August of that same year, I happily and rookiely had the story ready to start translating it into Spanish. So I did, and as the translation progressed, I realized that many ideas for additions and editing, in general would come to mind. It was almost painful to have to make the changes in both languages without letting both of the versions diverge. Then I happened to think that before releasing the document, at least four web pages would have to be built in order to synchronize its release with some seeds of projects ( that had been born in the process (today I've realized that Saint Michael Archangel Corporation should also be created before the release).

I put the translation aside (having translated over half of the document) and started work on the web pages. Since I’m not a web developer (front-end developer, back-end developer, graphic designer…), my budget amounts to CERO, have been unemployed for quite some years…, consider how long it takes… plus you don’t have the right software that those jobs require… To all that, we have to add the fact that I’m not a writer, and even…

As I’m working on the computer, eating, washing dishes, walking on the street, falling asleep, riding on the bus, taking a shower, shaving, etc. ideas come to mind, about both narrating ispy and about the projects. They even spring sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night; and I have to act quickly taking notes so I don’t forget them –I record them in my cell phone. By the time I’m posting this note (April 1st, 2017), I have a list of 170 edition ideas –only about ispy– that have to be implemented; some big, some small, but everyone so important and singificant. This to a document that was –by my newbie criterion– ready to see the light.

The update of ispy has to be done in both documents: the English and the Spanish versions, when the web pages reach the state that is needed for the book to be released. Last year, I was wrong several times in my estimates about when the web pages would be ready, because it’s a task that takes longer than anybody would think…

I want to thank all those that have expressed their interest in reading ispy and apologize to them for I had promised it'd be ready for September, 2016. Please be patient and understand I’m in a difficult situation here with so much scarceness going on. I also thank those that have helped me and supported me; they know who they are and they know it’s not appropriate to mention them at this point; thank you so much, I really appreciate all what you guys have done for me.

Love ♥ Peace




SEPTEMBER 06, 2022:

A heart shaped stone surrounded by a lot of small stones There's the right way and the wrong way. We're making sure we're going the right way since the very beginning. COUSMA will be a strong and big organization someday.

A change in calculations has happened recently in relation to “The Will of The Universe:” it has been concluded that another 2 projects have to be rolling (besides the 3 we already mentioned in the former update) before the book can be finished. They are an employment agency and a voluntary association. Both projects have been in our mind for a long time, but we didn’t know exactly when they had to be started. Now we now: they have to be started at the same time as the online store that we announced on this update space on August 24, 2022. It’s a lot of work and there’s no money to advance those projects, but they have to get started one way or another. Fortunately, we’re not too old yet. I hope I have enough time from now on till the end of my days to see them functioning. Let’s remember The Universe is with us and we are with It!

AUGUST 24, 2022:

A heart shaped stone surrounded by a lot of small stones What does love mean? What does congregation mean? I trust that we will find out!

There’s a new circumstance in relation to “The Will of The Universe:” it has been decided that the book won’t be published until the following 3 events have been completed: 1) the creation of an online store, 2) the creation of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA, and 3) the creation of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation.

On August 20, 2022; I wrote at this update space that the writing of “The Will of The Universe” is not going to be done by me, Ramón Darío Marín, but I was thinking the issue over and concluded that it’s not possible for somebody else to do it, because there’s the need to use 20% of the profits from the sales of the book in order to pay some debts acquired by me because of unemployment (let’s remember that the money I borrow because of unemployment allows me to work on COUSMA’s projects). I wish my writing abilities were decent, but unfortunately they’re not. However, we have no choice. May The Universe help us!

AUGUST 20, 2022:

A white and yellow, beautiful chick on the grass COUSMA will be a very fragile institution for a period of time. We'll also be as needy as they come.

For a long period of time (since about 2016), the book on the creation of Saint Michael Archangel Corporation: COUSMA was advertised under the title of “Intergalactic Spy,” but on August 20, 2022; the title was changed to “The Will of The Universe” ( #WillOfUniverse). That decision was made because we realized the need for a title to better suit the book contents. The change required a lot of work in the webpages because many things get affected, but it was something that had to be done. Actually, “The Will of The Universe” will be the history of emissaryhood operation.

Another important development in relation to “The Will of The Universe” is as follows: in November 2021, I wrote in this webpage that the creation of COUSMA had to be done before finishing ispy. This decision is maintained, but what has changed is that, now, there’s something that has to be done before the creation of COUSMA, which is the creation of an online store (details in COUSMA’s blog). That most probably means that creation of COUSMA and finishing of “The Will of The Universe” are tasks that are going to be delayed ages. However, that is the right way to go, and there’s no doubt in my mind about it (details here:

There’s one last important announcement that needs to be made at this point: it has been decided that the writing of “The Will of The Universe” is a task that doesn’t have to be done compulsorily by me, Ramón Marín. On the contrary, the last conclusion is that this book can be written by any writer who agrees to donate the author’s rights to COUSMA. It might not be easy to find somebody willing to agree on that, but what s/he will get on exchange for such a generous present is immortality since s/he will be the author of a book that will relate a chain of events that will prove to be among the most important to ever have happened in our planet’s history.


An Atlas statue, carrying a big, golden ball This is the way I see COSMA: carrying the weight of the whole world. Image by Denis Doukhan from Pixabay.

More than a year ago, I wrote at this update space that the creation of COSMA would take no more than 3 or 4 months. Well, I was obviously wrong on that respect, and there have been some events since then that have helped slow things down, adding to that that there have been some changes of heart. However, the latest conclusion reaffirms that COSMA does have to be created before finishing #intergalactic_spy.

The changes of heart were: 1) I concluded again (about 10 months ago) that finishing ispy should be done first, so I worked for some months on that job; 2) again I concluded that the creation of COSMA had to be done first. That is what I will be doing right after I finish catching up with what I got behind due to the lack of a computer for so long. There's some kind of bad news on that respect, though: that it doesn't take as short as initially thought. Some sources talk about 2 year preparation for the creation of an NGO; and that's when you can count on some extra pairs of hands to help, which we don't have by the time being.

The long delay in creating COSMA (I mean because it's been a while since I supposedly started) is explained by the changes of mind, also by the fact that my computer was damaged and with problems for almost a year, and also due to other serious problems. We could get the computer back working fully very recently, so I'm trying to work as fast as I can, but let's remember that I am virtually all by ourselves so far in this undertaking.

In short, COSMA has to be created before finishing #intergalactic_spy, the creation of COSMA will take between 1 or 2 years, and then when COSMA gets to be created, writing of ispy will be resumed and it will take no less than a year more.

I apologize for such a long delay in finishing the book and for so many changes of mind, but what is written in this update is the latest conclusion. It took us too long to arrive at it, that's true; but we were so unsure because we've never written a book, we've never created an NGO, and we've never started a bunch of projects before. However, little by little we're learning, little by little we're getting help, and little by little we're advancing (read where we're at with the creation of COSMA:

JUNE 19, 2020:

A desktop wireless network card, and for background a tabaco field COSMA's computer needs a new wireless network card, but we can't afford it yet.

About 13 months ago I had to put aside the writing of ispy in order to start fixing some problems we had with 2 of the websites of Saint Michael Archangel Corporation: COSMA ( and ). The problems with the websites are already fixed, but in the middle of that endeavor, I realized that COSMA also has to be created before the writing of ispy can be continued. Today (June 19, 2020), I am starting the creation of COSMA, which I expect to take no more than 3 or 4 months. It’s not going to be easy because the shortage of money is giving us a lot of trouble and because there are other activities that have to be done in parallel, but it has to get done no matter what. I cannot fall short of expectations; plus it’s an enterprise that will someday change the planet for the better (God knows my calculations are not wrong).

When COSMA finally gets to be a reality, the writing of #intergalactic_spy will be resumed immediately. ispy is a fundamental part of COSMA’s projects. This book will contain revelations that had to wait for all these millennia to be unveiled; plus it’s expected to give us the initial kick-start. Also in it, I will present (with God’s help) the pieces of COSMA'S puzzle (read where we're at with the creation of COSMA).

MAY 2019:

3 kitties staying together, looking at the camera New prjSMAC members: Fausto (left), Manchitas (center), Gordis (right).

Some time ago, I came to the conclusion that it was not necessary to create COSMA before the release of ispy because that precious time is needed to finish the book as soon as possible. I hope I’m able to follow out that plan; although it’s getting more and more difficult as time goes by.

However now, with the advent of Refugio San Miguel Arcángel: RESMA (read story here), I have recently realized that I need to put aside the writing of ispy for some time and devote full time to fixing 2 of the websites ( and, which are non-functional (when it comes to mobile view). Why is it so? It might sound like a silly story, but it’s not silly. It’s COSMA’s history:

RESMA is an animal shelter that is taking care of 8 animals (at this point). I have been able to feed them without falling too short of money for the past 8 months, but now I’m feeling more apprehensive every day because money is not being enough. I have to try and get some economic help anywhere, but in order for me to be able to do that, at least the websites have to be functional, which is not the case right now. I always knew that they were faulty but was not able to fix them, no matter how hard I tried. The solution seems to have come to me recently, by having found some site on the net where they give you free templates, which I think I can use instead of the current COSMA’s websites’ designs. In short, some money is needed to be able to continue feeding RESMA’s animals, so I have to postpone ispy for some time and devote full time to fixing the websites.

I apologize again because it means that finishing ispy is going to take longer than promised, but that happens because I am guilty of being too poor; too lacking in resources; and even too lacking in intelligence, writing skills, etc.


I apologize again for it’s taking me so long to finish ispy.

I started reading again on the topic of UFO and the extraterrestrials and, for about a month (as of February 08, 2019) I’ve been devoted almost full time to that endeavor, and I now feel embarrassed for having said that I was going to read for 3 months. I’ve realized that 3 months is nothing compared to how much has to be read in order to be enabled to write a book. So the conclusion is that it’s imperative that I read a lot more (although I don’t know how much). I don’t want to rush, but at the same time I feel I have the moral obligation to finish as soon as possible. When I feel I’m done with the reading stage, I will have to go onto finishing writing the first 2 chapters and then onto putting them in LaTeX, which is a language for typesetting publish-quality documents. I do hope to be doing the LaTeX part by the second half of this year and I hope that by the beginning of next year the electronic version of ispy will have been published in full. This is the soonest that I can think of. I apologize to those to whom I told it would be ready for 2019.

P.S.: I apologize for this and all the pages using this design in my website have a line on the right of the text. It's something I haven't been able to get rid of, and it happens only when the page is seen using Google Chrome, which is the most widely used browser. I thought I had to write this disclaimer because I don't want anybody to think that I intend to send some diabolic message or something by means of that line.

NOVEMBER 21, 2018:

A little brown kitty in the middle of 2 grown up cats, the three of them on top of a very humble table Tabaco (left), Browny (middle), and Nieves (right); some of the newest recruits of the project Saint Michael Archangel Congregation (Read Story Here). When the publishing of ispy at was announced back in May 2018, I was ready and eager to finish the first 2 chapters so I could publish them, but then I knew that I couldn’t do that without having read at least some on the topic of UFO’s and the extraterrestrials, so I set out to read for a period of 2 months. That was the moment when I realized that I knew nothing on the topic, that it was a blessing to have happened to understand that I had to read before telling my story, and that there was decades worth of readings on those topics on the internet and in books (which I do not have the money to buy); plus at the same time I had to do maintenance on the websites; so I decided to extend the reading period for at least 1 month more. I had scheduled to finish the 3-month reading period by the first days of October 2018, but a tragic and crucial event happened on September 20, 2018 (read full story here), which needs urgent attention and takes time; so the task of finishing the reading period and finishing the first 2 chapters has to be put off for some time.

I apologize for it’s taking so long to write, but it’s due to my not having good skills in the art of writing, my zero budget, my being almost completely all by myself with the projects and the book, and also due to the fact that the person who must write the book (the undersigned) is somebody completely ignorant on the topic of the UFO and the extraterrestrials. I need to urgently finish ispy; but I also need to urgently advance the projects' websites; and take care of the matters regarding Saint Micahel Archangel Congregation, which was born on September 20, 2018. Neither of those assignments is being easy to me. I can only promise I’m doing my very best to finish ispy as soon as possible.

JUNE 2018:

I recently came across this web platform that allows you to publish a book in installments and try and appeal to nice people that want to support your work by buying copies of that future book when it’s still in process of being written. This process is called “lean publication” ( ). The progressive lean versions are downloadable free of charge to those having supported the author by buying his book. Anybody who wants to give us a hand, please do so at

If there are any sales, the money will be put towards trying to fulfill this dream that we have of being able to publish ispy in print version –which is the most expensive– as well. It would be incredible if that dream came true. Thank you very much in advance to our supporters. If there are any profits from both the electronic and print versions, they will be split 80% for the project Saint Michael Archangel Corporation and 20% to try and hedge debts acquired by the author because of unemployment.





In 2015, it was concluded that there was something very important we could help the planet with: start some projects aiming at common good. we started thinking about how to bring that thought into reality and gradually some ideas started to come to mind. Today, those projects are called the "Assignments by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA for common good." There is no doubt that they will really help the world someday…

  1. Spine-chilling And Not Knowing Who Or Why (Oh Holy Universe, until When!)

  2. Supernatural Phenomena Prior to And during Emissaryhood Operation and Other Strange Incidents

  3. "The Universe" Speaks: Beginning of Emissaryhood Operation

  4. Facts about Emissaryhood Operation

  5. "The Universe:" What Is It All about?

  6. A New Era Begins: COUSMA

  7. The Missing Link in the Fight for the Rights of the Voiceless: EUSMA

  8. No Way We Forget Equality: Assignment 004 - Michaelist Companies

  9. Equality Is Here And It Means Business: (online store here)

  10. A Bid on Volunteerism in the Struggle for the Rights of the Voiceless: (vegan voluntary association here)

  11. How Can the Struggle for Animal Rights Be Temporary! (temporary employment agency here)

  12. A Worldwide Crusade for World Unification and the Rights of the Voiceless: Global Party for Common Good

  13. A New World Being Born: Assignment 002 - Michaelist Communities

  14. Other Assignments under Consideration

  15. The Road Ahead

  16. Conclusions

    1. Experiential Conclusions

    2. Conclusions Beyond (seeing through)

  17. Another Chapter Here

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