(By Centaur Priest [a.k.a. Archer Bishop])

In the context of the religious or supernatural beliefs, the relevant people’s theory is: The departure of the soul results in the death or ceasing the function of the body. So, the question is: What does depart from the body?

To answer that question, first, think about the Jump-Start of a car:
The car’s battery is dead. And a battery is dead when it has no electricity in it. So, with a jumper cable, you connect the dead battery to an external power supplier. And now, upon receiving electricity from that external power supplier to the dead battery, you start your car.
So, why the car was dead? Because there was no electricity in the battery. What did bring the car back to life? Electricity.

Now, keeping the Jump-Start in mind, think about Defibrillation:
Defibrillation is a treatment for life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias, specifically ventricular fibrillation and non-perfusing ventricular tachycardia. A defibrillator delivers a (to quote) “dose of electric current” to the heart (See with a device called a defibrillator. In many occasions, it has been observed that this treatment has brought back to life a completely stopped heart. A person’s complete stop of heart is death. So the treatment at issue brings back the dead to the life.
So, what does the defibrillator supply? Adose of electric current”.
Where is the electricity supplied to? Heart.

So, what does it prove? It proves that the so called soul is nothing other than “electric current” or electricity, and the heart is the battery.

It is not that the electricity “departs” from the body – nothing departs. Rather, it is a discontinuation of the “electric current” or power supply.

The discontinuation of the electric charge is a result of a lack of its production. And the lack of production results in its nonexistence. So, the situation is: It is a discontinuation (as opposed to departure) and therefore a state of void or nonexistence of the “electric current”.

Accordingly, the so called “soul” ceases to exist.

Associated with soul, the context of religious or supernatural beliefs incorrectly assumes a state of nonphysical consciousness and therefore a nonphysical existence after death.

The life, in the sense of a functional living being, is a disposition of a COMBINED function of the body (which consists in a biological hardware and a software (installed in the brain)) and the soul (which is nothing other than electricity). A living being is like an unplugged laptop computer having a battery as its power supplier. Neither the body, nor the soul, alone is or can be a living being.

The consciousness is not a production of the electricity (or soul). Rather, it is a thinking process which is a production of the body (or hardware + software). Therefore, no existence of the body means no existence of the consciousness.

The soul (electricity) empowers the body (hardware + software) to produce life (which is a combination of motion and consciousness) or living being. The body without soul is not a life, nor is the soul alone a life. – While the body is not an invisible object, there exists absolute evidence to prove that the body is completely destroyed after death. Again, nonexistence of body means nonexistence of consciousness.

Consequently, the state of death is an ultimate oblivion. And therefore, there is no consciousness or no life after death.


  • * Published by Ramón D. Marín upon authorization from the author.

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