(December 2017 - last updated: March 2023)

(By Ramón D. Marín)

Nuclear explosion
Still for years to come, there will be world powers competing for who traces our planet’s pathway towards the future. Today the #1 world power, far ahead from the others, is the United States, but that might change in the future. The only safe, fair, and sound aspirant to #1 world power is ourselves, but since we’re not world powers, then the options can be:
The United States China

her economic and military potential, her billions of people, her communist party, censoring…

her economic and military potential, her billions of people, her love for animals, her caste system, Gandhi…

her economic and military potential…

her economic and military potential…
All other countries of the world The European Union

A #1 power has to have among other things military strength. Since the nuclear race already started, it’s very hard to reverse it because the nuclear powers aren’t going to want to drop their arsenal, especially those having a chance at being #1. If total disarmament is very difficult, what about agreements on freezing the nuclear weapon proliferation in the state that it’s today? That’s very difficult too because those who are not nuclear powers are going to say “We don’t want an agreement in which my potential enemies are allowed to have nuclear weapons while we’re not.”

That means, in today’s world order, nuclear proliferation can’t be stopped because the world would have to wage war not only against North Korea but also against anyone else unwilling to relinquish their nuclear dreams; that at the cost of enormous human and material expenses, and at the risk of nuclear war or world war (or both). Common sense would say that’s not what the world leaders want.

There are those who believe nuclear war will never happen again (may "The Universe" allow that to be true); however more nuclear proliferation means more risk of nuclear war; and if the whole world ends up in possession of nuclear weapons, probabilities will be very high for that "never" to become "today". The world doesn’t need nuclear weapons. What the world needs is nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear war can happen without becoming world war, but the destruction caused by it would be completely unthinkable. Whoever drops the bomb first will surely know what would be coming: a nuclear response, besides of having the entire world against him. But why did he drop the bomb, then, if he knew those would be the consequences? That would only mean things would not get resolved easily because he's just crazy and determined to go to the last consequences. The destruction would be huge.

“Winston Churchill warned that any strategy will not ‘cover the case of lunatics or dictators in the mood of Hitler when he found himself in his final dugout.’”[1]

Next war might not go nuclear and same with next after next, but for how long will this avoidance of nuclear war will last? One thing is for sure: in a world packed with nuclear weapons, it’s just a matter of time. Let's see what one of the players in the conflict says:

“Now that we possess mighty nuclear power to protect ourselves from US nuclear threat, we will respond without the slightest hesitation to full-out war with full-out war and to nuclear war with our style of nuclear strike, and we will emerge victor in the final battle with the US.”[2]


A boy crying, with a scene of destruction behind him

Now, let us think about what will happen when the balance of power gets shifted in the direction of any of the countries with possibilities to become #1 (see Conflict in the Future). The more the balance gets shifted, the closer we will be to World War III. It is impossible that today’s balance of power remains unchanged for ever. In fact, it has already started to shift and the tendency does not promise to stop.

Those powers ranking in the highest positions will do whatever is in their power to catch up with #1, while #1 will predictably not want to relinquish her position easily and do whatever is in her power for not letting the others overpower her. “Do whatever is in her power” means more arsenal; and only "The Universe" and they know what kind of arsenal. Weapons are being developed in secret especially by the top world powers, while the world can only observe how we march towards destruction.

That confrontation among the highest ranking world powers can drag on and on for many years to come, without turning into war, but can it be so indefinitely? And when it turns into war, it will probably be another global entanglement of epic proportions. But even if this confrontation doesn’t end up in war, maybe next one will; and so on and on until the feared fate cannot be evaded any longer. Let’s not forget that the world has been on the brim of nuclear war many times[3]. In a world with an increasing number of nuclear weapons, it's just a matter of time for destruction to start. And after destruction has started, will it stop?


The world can’t just sit waiting for World War III and nuclear war to happen to start thinking about a path towards nuclear disarmament. The world has to start acting since now. One way to start acting is that the people demand from the nuclear powers’ governments that they reach an agreement on nuclear disarmament; but when are the people going to do that? What we have seen so far, proves that more needs to be done in terms of organization that empowers the people to rise as to be in a position to demand from politicians that they do what needs to be done in order to stop and reverse the nuclear arm race.

Soon to be born Global Party for Common Good (one of the affiliates of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA) believes that global nuclear disarmament will only be possible after the world having reached the stage of a global government. That stage in the planet’s political and cultural development, characterized by the existence of a global government and the obsoleteness of national borders, we have given to call “The World Without Borders” (see We are proposing that the people of the planet start demanding (since now) the creation of a global government, which is the only way towards total denuclearization of the planet and towards other changes that the world needs. The proposal is based on the understanding of 6 basic postulates:

  1. that the World Without Borders is the only way to achieve global nuclear disarmament;

  2. that given the fact that the issue of a global government is so crucial to common good, then COUSMA has decided to undertake the struggle towards the World Without Borders;

  3. that COUSMA's decision to assume this mission is based on the fact that it has undetaken the task of supporting "The Universe" in the accomplishment of Its sole purpose: watching for common good;

  4. that due to the fact that the struggle for the World Without Borders includes the component of equality (among individuals and nations), then this objective is part of one of the 3 COUSMA's initial pillars. That means the World Without Borders (along with animal rights) must be reached before COUSMA can take care of the rest of the problems of the planet;

  5. that failing by the world to support the struggle for the World Without Borders, can result in a global entanglement of giant proportions; and

  6. that reaching the World Without Borders will enable the planet to find solutions on a global scale to problems like: inequality, animal holocaust, wealth concentration (both at the individual and national levels), nuclear proliferation, global catástrophes, lack of employment opportunities, discrimination, insecurity, racism, migration, food security, etc.

A woman covering her face in despair, with a scene of destruction behind her

We believe that all the people who worry about the future of planet, the poor, COUSMA's friends, the animal lovers, all those who care about future generations, all those having a compassionate heart, etc. can unite our voices in the Global Party for Common Good and (among other things) create a document containing our vision of the World Without Borders, the world of the future; starting from COUSMA's humble view about it: see "Withoutborderism Navigation Chart" and Vision, Mision and Values of the Global Party for Common Good. These humble ideas have been being constructed with great effort by the soon to be born GBC Party.

There are several changes that the planet needs most urgently, the main one being nuclear disarmament. For that goal to be reached the planet needs to stop being a disposition of isolated, closed circles, each marching on its own towards her own individual, selfish goals. The world of the future needs to function like one global country, with global bounding “laws,” a global bounding “constitution,” global planning, a global government, a global budget, global goals, global vision, global thinking, global heart…

In our vision, the proposal gains the support from the people, and there comes a time when a candidate from the GBC Party gets elected as the Colombian president; then the GBC Party presents a request to the Colombian government for the country (on behalf of the planet) to present a reform proposal to the UN General Assembly. If the changes are achieved on the first attempt, that will be great. But if there's no acceptance for the proposal, we will continue to campaign for as long as ncecessary all over the world, until we see the necessary changes for the planet to go from being the shapeless arrangement of groups of people that it is today to being the real global community that the inhabitants of the future need.

How long will this take in being accomplished? We don't know. but it's definitively a matter of time. And there's no doubt that only when the World Without Borders gets to be a reality, can an agreement on total nuclear disarmament be reached.

In the World Without Borders, there won’t be world powers because fair rules that facilitate global governance will be created to benefit all members of humanity equally. Also, there won’t be neither armies in the countries —because a global police will be created— nor the need for nuclear weapons. Actually, weapons will only be allowed to the global and local police forces.

National governments aren’t going to want the World Without Borders because they will have to relinquish part of their all-mightiness to the global government. At this point in time, the people don’t want it either because brain washing by the national governments works. Brainwashing to ensure national sovereignty feelings to be deeply entrenched in people’s minds. But it’s still too early. As the world begins to understand that a global government is the solution to many of the problems that humanity is facing, more and more people will be changing their national sovereignty mentality and calling for the World Without Borders. It’s the only way out of total destruction. Nuclear war or world war would only make the people understand the need for a global government.

The only thing that is needed for the world to reach this non-selfish state of affairs and global nuclear disarmament is gathering the support of the people for COUSMA’s role as leader of the struggle towards the World Without Borders. The whole thing totally depends on the acceptance and support by the people for the Global Party for Common Good. And this one is the only consistent plan in existence that can result in the world reaching an agreement on nuclear disarmament. It is the people having the final word, asking those in power to stop playing with the lives of the entire planet.

The "Assingnments by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA for common good" are thought to help solve the biggest problems of the planet. Soon to be born Global Party for Common Good wants to invite the people of the world to help us spread word of our proposals and give us your support so there gets to be a voice in the world that can be heard by those in power. Should our proposals not accrue the support from the people, the world might be marching inexorably towards total destruction. I have no doubt that the "Assignments by COUSMA for common good" are the best chance for the salvation of the planet.

A world map with children all over and the inscription: 'ONE WORLD. ONE RACE. HUMANITY'
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