...Mario de Sabato's predictions are, instead, willingly optimistic. According to him, the end of the ideologies that enlivened the economical and political history of the twentieth century, that is to say, collectivist socialism and capitalism, signals the coming of totally new conceptions and laws that are in agreement with the new world that will arise.

In this world wealth will be more fairly distributed, with industry being the reserve value, instead of the pattern gold or dollar, the way it is now. The strength of the currencies will be based on the dynamism of the industry of the country that issues them.

After the stock exchange system disappears, most of the companies, jointly, will form an ample cooperativistic system, from which independent workers won't be excluded. But, foremostly, it will be a system based on effort, and in which the management of companies will be carried out with absolute responsibility, in such a way that the surplus will be put to the service of the growth of the company itself and to the creation of new jobs. Casting aside the possibility of nationalizations and the persistence of large fortunes.

Definitively, always according to Sabato, the capitalism of tomorrow, that will be based only on work and merit, will imply a wise compromise between the American, Chinese, European and Japanese systems, not without incorporating elements of the Chinese philosophy to establish a new economical system.

This is in short the prediction of M. de Sabato, that reminds us of the sagacious judgment that about certain economical matters a well known philosopher of the XIX century pronounced, that is to say, the sabatian capitalism of the future would be like wanting to abolish the papacy and maintain Catholicism...


  • * "Las profecías del fin del milenio (The prophecies of the end of the millennium)." Gallotti. Alicia. Bogotá. 1991.

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