There are numerous issues exposed in the international arena, in line with the culture of solidarity...

Some refer to international policies on wealth redistribution:

  • Condonation of external debt of impoverished countries. 

  • Reach, at least and in a generalized manner, a 0,7% of the GDP of the rich countries in Help to Development to impoverished countries. Help to development actually aimed at poverty eradication, and without preconditions.

  • Actual democratization of international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank) and of the World Commerce Organization.

  • Changes on the rules of international trade, that really make it possible for the southern countries to develop. Anti-dumping laws, and end of the subsidies of the Northern countries to their exports.

  • Creation of a tax on international financial transactions (inspired on the so-called Tobin rate) in order to control the flow of capitals and combat financial speculation. The worldwide revenue would be used for basic social services like public health and elementary education of the less developed countries.

  • Absolute defense of the social achievements associated with the welfare state in the North, with the reforms needed but with the allocation of its basic budget, and universalization of its achievements.

  • Criticism to the neoliberal economy and society model (sublimation of the right to substitution of citizenship rights for consumer rights, social inequality, individualism at all costs).

  • Support to production, distribution, and consumption of local products (craftmanship, fair trade...).

  • Proposal of a maximum individual income, and social distribution of surplus of that maximum income through a special council integrated in the UN.

  • Empowerment of ethical banking, that invests and Works only with those companies that conform to recognized, environmental and social codes of conduct.

  • Toughening of antitrust laws, and international vigil of them.

  • Favor the practice of responsible consumption that rejects both a concept of welfare based on wastefulness and commercial products, and practices that involve aggressions to the dignity of the person or jeopardize environmental sustainability.

Others refer to the strengthening of democracy:

  • Participative local, regional, and national budgets. Part of the annual budget is decided, managed, evaluated, and controlled by citizens in a participative way.

  • Strengthen the role of the third sector and social movements, in a way such that they should have their say in impacting the global agenda.

  • Go further on the political governance of globalization (defense of human rights, fight against organized crime) from democratic, multilateral organizations.

  • Worldwide spread of the Internet, as a priority of the international community, preserving its current structure of free general access, which encourages people participation.

  • Promotion of social organized volunteering, facilitating their participation in organizations and their network structure.

  • Encouraging of more democratic enterprise models, such as cooperatives or social initiative enterprises, so that they have more weight and get to impact the economic system.

  • Universalize policies and practices of social, entrepreneurial responsibility, so that they integrate the basic goals of all corporations.

  • Citizen management of common, universal possessions: water, air, forest, health, transportation logistics, and knowledge. And, for that purpose, accepting shared control of that property.

  • Favor the peace culture, based upon dialogue among all peoples and cultures, and in the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

There are other proposals focused on the protection and universalization of civil, social, and economic rights:

  • Universalize a minimum citizenship income: basic income or citizenship income. It refers to an income paid by the state to every member of society, even if they do not want to work for a pay, regardless of other possible sources of income that they may have. Such income replaces all current preconditioned subsidies, and attempts to guarantee to the citizens the ownership of the property needed to be self-sufficient.

  • Distribution of work: Study different distribution formulae, such as reorganizing the work week and others.

  • Redefining the social role of private companies: responsibilities of companies and corporations with the local and international community, besides of the current responsibilities towards the share holders.

  • Open and generous national and international immigration policies: Migration and refugee policies that follow international norms and standards, under the principle of freedom of movement for all people.

  • Encourage international rights defense institutions such as the International Criminal Court that, above national, particular interests, hold authority to combat global illegal and criminal networks and illegal businesses.

  • Denounce violations to human rights in every place around the world.

  • Cooperation to development aimed at sustainable development, endogenous and self-managed.

  • Empower food autonomy of the countries, beginning with the reduction of monoculture and the expansion of sustainable forms of agriculture that reduce dependence of producers on the agri-food industry.


  • * Masllorens, Xavier. "El quinto poder. La solidaridad activa" ("The fifth Power. Active solidarity"). Bigsa. 1st ed. Barcelona. 2004. P. 108.

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