(By Ramón D. Marín)

God is great, God is love, God is perfect, God provides... and has always been with us all the way along.

We, his beloved children, may disagree on aspects like the specifics of his looks and why he doesn't have wings like the angels, or whether he is male or perhaps female, or how long creation took, etc., but one of the things we all know for sure is that he inhabits our hearts too.

All forces of good... on heaven... on earth... and anywhere else... are allied with him. The forces of good live here and there and everywhere, and so do the forces of evil in much lesser amount though.

When he presented us with nature and entrusted us with the mission of being its kings; he also provided us with talents... skills... abilities;... even superior intelligence and the pleasure of learning; yet didn't give us the details of what we had to do with them; since he knew we were to find that balance ourselves in an ever changing world.

He gave us freedom because he knew we would like it and need it all the way as decision makers of our own kingdoms; that's when wisdom comes about; lest we make others or ourselves victims of such sacred gift. We live on the most opulent planet of the solar system and thus it's extremely unfortunate that the material well-being of the human being can possibly be harder to achieve than the spiritual one: believing in God and trusting him, being able to trust amongst ourselves, believing in yourself because you know you are that kind of person that can be trusted...

Where does distrut come from?

In the beginning, we used to be happy and then a time came when superabundance was over. This event combined with a possible lack/insufficiency of (ground rules)/laws, plus the survival instinct generated a series of heart disarrays (which are not inherited by the human being but learned), such as: greediness, selfishness, dishonesty, disloyalty, betrayal, envy, indifference to the suffering of others, disrespect for our fellow-men's rights, most likely "assassinism" and stealing, etc. Although irrational beings don't seem to have ground rules, but they actually do...

Some would say that these disarrays are gonna be with us forever, but those of us who trust in God and in the human nature, believe that the prospects are promising. We acknowledge that all human beings dream about doing something for the future of our planet which is the future of human beings. It's just a matter of having the opportunity to do so.

Let's consider the following reflections:

  • Honest leaders determined to serving/(doing good) to the people, and not only to the elites in power. We all including our leaders and the elites themselves seem to be caught in a vicious circle.

  • If our leaders are caught in a vicious circle, then we should give them huge support, at all levels, in order to generate/implement modernization/globalization/socialization/(social justice)/humanization programs.

  • Social obligations of private companies.

  • Economical/political/social globalization.

  • How to get governments and private companies to invest in poverty eradication.

  • (Business models)/(economic systems) that neutralize/equalize/substitute rapacious greed and ensure equitable/equalitarian/egalitarian distribution of the wealth provided by God, not for the well-being of a few only, but that of all.

  • Political systems that guarantee respect for the sacred rights of the individual and minorities: not only as part of a statistic but also as persons. Without humane/humanized/humanistic/humanist/human-centered justice/(social justice), we defenseless people can only feel fear and distrust towards the establishment.

  • Gradual pulling down of national borders, with the coming along of a strong global enforcing authority.

  • Many more peaceful happenings directed towards achieving a world without borders.

  • As a consequence of the above-mentioned aspects, millions of lives saved and the end of the economic gap between rich and poor countries.

  • The world's war budget and machine used for peaceful purposes.

  • Now, we just need to figure out how we can break up the vicious circle.

As economical differences on a global level get less opprobrious, greed will disappear causing a chain reaction that will bring into extinction the above-mentioned disarrays. And when "individual economic prosperity" makes no sense any more, it will be replaced by love for our fellow-men and the desire to be a person useful to the community: the desire to be a nurse/doctor/farmer/teacher/salesperson/construction worker/scientist/etc. as well as the social status of professions will be in direct proportion with the service that we would be doing to our fellow-men/society

For all this and much more we know that with God's help and that of human beings the forces of good will prevail forever on earth too upon the forces of evil. We can even say with certainty that when we invoke his help, the more we need the more he will give us.

May our hearts be pleasant sanctuaries of peace where God lives!

Love ♥ Peace


P.S. April, 2013: I have known recently that the configuration of the moral dimension in the human being has biological bases at a great percentage. Yet, I think, it goes in a similar way as with other problems (like alcoholism or drug addiction): that it seems a certain predisposition is inherited but not the vice itself (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/75738.php). That means that the example received in the family, peer group, school, love relationship and even mass media is the determining factor. The former statement is a hypothesis somewhat easy to probe or disprove by scientific methods.

I feel compelled to mention here that the reason for enormous atrocities to have been committed throughout history (we dont know much about prehistory) is not that human beings are naturally bad, but because human beings have gotten entangled in complicate labyrinths whose solutions have not been easy to find (like war). Many reasons could be mentioned for this tardiness in finding the solutions, but the most important one, I think, is that human thought/feelings/heart advances/evolves (to some extent) in order/harmony/altogether science too. The telephone could not have been invented without before having invented electricity. As an example of thought/feelings/heart evolution we can think about how much it is going to take us to surmount the stage of working for a pay and the positive consequences that this event is going to have in the way we see everything around (according to the prevalent value systems a human being is worth as much as the money he has or makes). Another example could be the relation cannibalism, carnivorism, veganism, or how long it has been since human beings came to the conclusion somewhere for the first time that taking the life of a human being was an atrocious act that had to be punished; and then compare that with the projection, according to which in the future jails are going to be a thing of the past (among other things, because there will be less room for crime amid the human beings of the future).

"There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them . . . Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memory of us will have been effaced. Our universe is a sorry little affair unless it has in it something for every age to investigate . . . Nature does not reveal her mysteries once and for all." (Seneca. Natural Questions. Book 7. first century, in Carl Sagan. Cosmos. P. 2).
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