(By Ramón D. Marín)

Some years ago, the experts predicted that the economical power of the US would be matched by about the year 2050. It seems that this fact is starting to happen already[*]; with all the implications that this will probably bring in the political, technological and military balance. The entangling of the global politics and economy is not fiction; it is as real as the Eiffel Tower. Whatever the power that gets to surpass the hegemony of the US in the world scenario, no doubt an arms race and cold war of the future would take place; with multiple consequences for the life of the inhabitants of the planet. The nation that gets to be ahead will have more incidence in the decisions that affect the political, military, social, technological life of the inhabitants of the Earth; its social/economical model will, perhaps, tend to be imitated in more and more countries; Hollywood, Disney, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Microsoft, Wall Mart, Google; among others, will very probably find serious competitors in the corresponding peers coming from the new superpower, etc.

The insufficiency of the current United Nations to solve the great problems of humanity is also real. Day by day, the probabilities for worldwide entangling (due, firstly, to the concentration of wealth) get higher; in such a case, the lack of a strong global government would become more evident, a global government with the authority and preparation to seize power and lead the return to normal life.

The Earth and the Moon, Seen from Space

Very soon, it has been said, the colonization and terraformation of the Moon and planets like Mars will get started; case in which the immoral nature of private space exploration would be evidenced: the solar system and the celestial bodies were put in the dark sidereal space for everybody to benefit from them; not only for the usufruct of a few. Not happy with taking hold of portions of what belongs to humanity, they are going to start grabbing whole planets.

But things will not continue to work indefinitely in the selfish manner that they have been functioning so far. The need to solve the problem of the growing breach between rich and poor (and rich and poor countries) becomes more evident each time. Should this problem not get solved, the probabilities for famine and wars would get higher; with the disclaimer that the question would self regulate with victims. That is to say, here comes again famous "save yourself if you can". Perhaps we should include here the discussion about the capacity of a few to buy their survival.

Us, the poor individuals and nations, would get benefited first by United Nations being, each time more, a global government; because of the more egalitarian distribution of the resources and wealth of the planet. This is why the World Without Borders and global government are foretold as a struggle of poor countries needing/interested in the matter and rich countries believing they do not need it/it is not in their best interest. Let us hope that the rich of today do not forget about their children and grand children because the world is a changing one and poverty is tough and although today they are filthy rich, tomorrow they might not (although we already know that poverty is hereditary...).

But a global mire, that would lead to great size catastrophes, is something that can be avoided. And who is responsible for taking measures to avoid entanglings? Well, nothing more nothing less than the herd leader. It is obvious, for the majority, that the leader of the global herd is not United Nations. That means that whether we like it or not, whoever is positioned as the number 1 power in the global context would be the one country with the right to lead the struggle for the survival of the species.

For the World Without Borders to be realized, there would be several possibilities:

  1. If all the countries of the world agreed (presumably that would only happen in the event of a great catastrophe [or mire] of global proportions), so that the system of the United Nations should be the entity where the solutions are actually found to the great problems that humanity is facing and that this organization should look more each time like a global government (and the world more each time like a World Without Borders) than like an agglomeration of groups of people with no cohesion.

  2. If a regional agreement became a global one. Presumably only in case of a great catastrophe (or mire) of global proportions. The European Union is seemingly a step ahead in this direction, although it is way far from the ideals of the World Without Borders.

  3. If some country, that was considered to have the right to lead the process (for example the USA), had the constitution and the laws (and the will to solve one of the biggest problems that humanity is going through; which is the breach between rich and poor countries), so that other countries could be part (in a fair and egalitarian manner) of a union or alliance (the American union for the case of the USA) constituting, thus, a country that would be bigger and bigger each time.

This latter option is no doubt utopian but also extreme; because the ones most opposed to it would surely be the American citizens. I would not be surprised if at the end of it all we were realizing that this would be the only option that can get the miracle done; a colossal alternative if the other options, happened to be the dog trying to bite its tail, in matters of resolving the global mess.

Tthings do not look easy. It does not sound nice whatsoever to politicians that their national feuds should have to abide by rules established by a global governmental entity. The nationalist sentiments of the masses are as much the momentum of politicians as the main impediment for spreading word of the urgency and convenience for the establishment of a planetary governmental entity with the capacity to bring the global act together. The majority probably feels that the situation is going favorably for them as much as for not having much to worry about for the moment (and the poor can go to hell, they probably think).

The giants of the entrepreneurial world would not be very interested either, in seeing their immense power, that eclipses national institutions in too many occasions, diminished by the action of certain restrictions; even if they are for the best global interest. It is immoral from any point of view, and very dangerous for the worlds stability and peace (and for human rights), the concentration of wealth that is taking place and which only tends to get worse each time.

As the global problems get to be worse, politicians, entrepreneurs and masses would be more aware each time of the need to yield to the entities of the global governance. But national sentiments and overgreediness would make it impossible the job of a hypothetical global enforcing body and the realization of the sinfronteristas ideals. Let us trust that, with Gods help, we are not going to have to wait for the solution to be the result of catastrophes of great size. Although, blessed nationalism that cannot be slandered because it had a function to accomplish is seemingly going to continue giving us trouble for a while.

Should the World Without Borders (which our planet is so much in need of) not become a reality before the afore-mentioned transformation in the balance of world power, it would look much farther as a consequence of the probable cold war of the future, (because the conflict would be for the hegemony of one of the countries), and a clear opportunity for this dream to come true would have been wasted : a time in which one of the countries of the globe happened to be in so advantageous a position, in terms of political, economical, technological, and military hegemony as for us to be able to talk about a natural right by virtue of an unquestionable preponderance: the natural right to lead the efforts towards turning the World Without Borders into a reality in our planet.

A time in which one of the countries of the globe happened to be in so privileged a position to summon the different global political forces; becoming aware of the dangers that were coming closer and why the need that all the countries should consider the possibility of consolidating a global governmental entity, strong enough as to successfully sort out the challenges of the future.

A time that coincided with the first time in history in which the problems of humanity looked so hugely serious as for it to be real, in the short term, the probabilities for the extinction of the human species. Not in vain, there recently appeared rumors about (alleged) plans from extraterrestrial civilizations for rescuing a bunch of lucky ones (given the case); thus freeing the human being from total extinction (although many swear and swear that we are the only ones in the Universe...).

Polar Bear on Top of a Small Iceberg

We do not know how long it is going to take for the inhabitants of the Earth to get convinced of the fact that the World Without Borders is the shortest and less belligerent pathway to solve problems of such huge caliber as wealth concentration, the breach between rich and poor, overpopulation, climate change, deforestation, the arms and technology race, the space race, etc. Nevertheless, if a cold war of the future took place (and it does not mean the destruction of the human species), the World Without Borders would continue to be a real need of our beloved planet; for the goods and resources belonging to humanity to get to be distributed in an equitable manner (according to the needs of the population); for the huge problems that humanity is faced with (and those that may come around in the future) get to be solved promptly and not in a dance of tied feet in which nobody seems to be able to (or want to) take the first step towards the solutions.

I wonder what would happen if centuries go by and the World Without Borders does not come up. However gloomy the scenario, I do not believe in the destruction of the human species in an easy way as it might be thought about. I think that those who believe that, in some way, the cataclysm will stop before total extinction are right. But what if after trying once and again by the wrong method, it came a time in which the abyss should not be evasive anymore? It is no exaggeration that a global government or national governments or the United Nations have prevention plans in case good judgment happens to be absent from the negotiation tables where world leaders make the decisions about the future of the human race. And if human beings from another planet happened to also have contingency plans for events of such nature, blessed be Messrs. extraterrestrials and blessed be those plans.

It is almost sure that the sun will die out some day and that the Earth will be dead and frozen, like all living beings. Thus, the human species must, no doubt, disappear. Out of all the nightmares, this is the most convincing one. However, I do not believe it, because I believe that the world has a sense and man a destiny. The worlds can freeze and suns die out. But, at the bottom of us ourselves, something beats that cannot die."[**]

P.S. April, 2017: The book "Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers" says in pages 298-299 that 144,000 people will be saved at the time of a final cataclysm, which is expected to happen soon with 99% certainty; so they can repopulate the Earth after it has turned back into a suitable place to live.

"For as long as the total of these human beings does not reach 144,000, we will help to delay the final cataclysm, so as to have a sufficient number to start a new generation on Earth, when it has become a suitable place again for humans to live."[***]
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