Intergalactic Station

The opinion of the owners of the capital is that we, the poor, deserve to starve to death, and etc. and that they are the only ones entitled to have rights; we the poor, then, can grant ourselves the right to the opinion that they must give us back the money that was handed over to them to be administered; and that, rather, we will administer it from now on; and you can take it for granted that this time, things are going to get done right; and, by the way, we get leveled; because we've had enough of being uglier, less intelligent, etc. and of being born without hope/opportunities in life.

A Landind Field with Huge Spaceships

And after rebuilding man, it is necessary to start tackling the human rights problem: the rights are there in the DHR, but they apply proportionally to people's pockets. It is no secret that they do not protect the poor even though they are intended for all. This turns the job of the human rights organizations into the fight of a tiger with a tied donkey. Perhaps we should say that there are no human rights organizations actually intended to protect the rights of the poor.

In order to fix the world, it is not necessary to make it anew; it would just be enough with honest leaders, rulers and legislators.

Since we do not have any chance to defend ourselves from the voracious selfishness of the owners of the capital, then what should be done, so we, the defenseless poor, be some day considered as part of the human species?

To construct something big, you need a lot of money and a team of many people; to design something big, a big computer with the right software and plenty of imagination; to write something big, lots of patience, lots of books and plenty of talent; to imagine something big you just need your imagination. Project Without Border Foundation believes that changing the world is possible. Please, join us and share our web address with everybody you know:

Open Book

How much violence does man need?... How much wealth? How much evil?... How much selfishness? How much greed?... How much hatred?... beauty... love, goodness, empathy, freedom, civic-mindedness, rectitude, equity, equality (See: "From 'the Law of the Stronger' to 'the Law of Good is Stronger')".


  1. Disclaimer: This is an excerpt from a chronicle in the 25th century or so, that has not been told. Wish we were writers!

  2. Barreto. "Exclusión y Enfermedades del Alma" ("Exclusion and Soul Illnesses"), in: Jerome Bind. Hacia dónde se dirigen los valores? Coloquios del siglo XXI (Where Are Values Heading to? Talks of the 21st Century). P. 367.

  3. Coelho. "Reflexiones Diarias" ("Daily Reflections").

  4. Gibran, "Thoughts and Meditations." 1961.

  5. There is some controversy about the translation of the title of this work by great Tolstoy. Some prefer “How much land does a man need?”, while others prefer “How much land does man need?.”


  1. Barreto, Adalberto. "Exclusión y Enfermedades del Alma" ("Exclusion and Soul Illnesses"), in: Jerome Bind. ¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los valores? Coloquios del siglo XXI (Where Are Values Heading to? Talks of the 21st Century). Fondo de Cultura Económica. México. 2006.

  2. Coelho, Paulo. "El Valor y el Dinero (The Value and the Money)"

  3. Gibran, Kahlil. "A glance at the Future" (

  4. Gibran, Khalil. "Pensamientos y Meditaciones" ("Thoughts and Meditations"). 1961.

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