(By Ramón D. Marín)
...avoid falling into delinquency (or death at young age), have a chance to go to school and provide the daily support for the family...
Everyone talks about the party according to how it went for him (so goes the Colombian saying). I know there are American dream stories, but don't say they're many because it's not true. I know its possible to go very far in life, as well as I know it's possible to win the lottery (everyday lottery players know more about that). I know that when we (the poor) are told that it's possible to find a way and make it big... that education.. such and such... that rights.. such and such... they're doing it in good faith and most likely pretty sure about what they're saying.
But if you make it into college...

Dont lie any more my friend Pinocchio!: food?... housing?... having rights?... equal opportunities?... having a chance to go to school?... give me a break. If you were born poor, you're sentenced to being poor for life And poverty is inherited (Who wants them to tell him lies?), we even carry it in our genes...
No matter if one, or two or even three made it, if there are so many that can barely dream about never missing the daily sustenance (sustenance that we have to gain playing the roulette, roulette that we had lost before starting) And we all know that the few poor that made it far were a lottery story... "Young man, if, when you graduate, you dont start a business, you just wasted your time in college (said the teacher to the student). Nonsense! Theres no room for so many.
Lets take a look at this experiment of the 'rich' and 'poor' rats (and we haven't talked about malnutrition):
"A vivid demonstration of the impact of experience on the developing brain is in studies of 'rich' and 'poor' rats. The 'rich' rats lived in small groups in cages with plenty of rat diversions such as ladders and treadmills. The 'poor' rats lived in cages that were similar but barren and lacking diversions. Over a period of months the neocortices of the rich rats developed far more complex networks of synaptic circuits interconnecting the neurons; the poor rats' neuronal circuitry was sparse by comparison. The difference was so great that the rich rats' brains were heavier, and, perhaps not surprisingly, they were far smarter at solving mazes than the poor rats. Similar experiments with monkeys show these differences between those 'rich' and 'poor' in experience, and the same effect is sure to occur in humans."[2]
It even kind of sounds funny, but let me tell you my friend that the law of the wilderness and wreckages[3] are not even funny to me. So many bruises and bumps! In conclusion, lets not tell lies to each other; if youre poor, you can't. And hopes are not very promising; because god money has cash for a while...
But who said for living decently you have to go very far?
O.K., but how is it that you have no choice other than living in a world in which delinquency is better than the other options if you're a guy; and then if you're a girl,... better don't say no more.
What happens is now they don't have an imagination, now they're not smart, now they're not dying for it, now they don't say that "everything has a solution except for death": when it comes to remembering the forgotten. The brilliant options (vs. the options of those that have options) are the big mystery of violence and delinquency.
I guess we the men in the street have a right to wash our hands of the matter because we haven't been the ones with the capacity to find the solutions. The 100.000 houses[4], the creation of new jobs, ICETEX[5], etc. (even with all the effort that it surely took) just cover the sun with one finger. There's nothing that prevents the know-it-all leaders of this save-yourself-if-you-can world see the real and true dimension of the matter: Why some of us have no choice other than begging!?... (and it was really hard for you to get the alms: since there was no real estate nor surety, then no way[6] ).
Bit by bit, humanity advances towards finding the solution to this perverted vicious circle of selfishness in which we have been entangled for so long. However, it seems it's still a majority those that obstinately deny that we're doing something wrong and insist that we all have the same opportunities and say "that's why we strengthened ICETEX" and "I'm not worried about the poor because we have a safety net"[7], and don't vote for Barack Obama because he's going to redistribute wealth[8]...
But there's no need to feel embarrassed if we consider that, evolutionarily speaking, we're not so far ahead as we think.
"It is because nations tend to stupidity and baseness that humanity moves so slowly; it is because individuals have a capacity for better things that it moves at all."[9]
The above said doesn't mean that the youth living in poverty-stricken neighborhoods shouldn't try to go to school and make it big; even though they got a world in which the probabilities for that to happen look rather like those of hitting the jackpot. The point is: Why, for part of the inhabitants of the planet, it has to be a daily roulette getting the sacred sustenance?... The point is that saying it can be done (because one or two could), that you just have to work harder, and etc. etc when you know that the question is longer than wider. As if the ones in charge of safeguarding the so often mentioned rights didn't know that human beings are so fragile (everybody except for those whose future has been secured). I appeal , here, to my sacred rights to feel indignant, hurt; twist myself and kick all around. What else can this poor, typical , under-evolved, parochial man in the street say!?
In a system that does not grant opportunities to 100% of the population, many die while the people who are happy[10] (because they got a bonanza) celebrate... And then you have to gamble again! Even if it were true that it is the best system ever invented, the need to explore alternatives is still hale and hearty; even though so many are reluctant to recognize it. When capitalism ceases being a version of the law of the wilderness, it will not be capitalism anymore (I feel I am saying what everybody already knows).
. ( 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
Article 23
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
Article 26
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. [not by pocket size].
What are the alternatives to the law of the wilderness?
That's the good news. Fortunately there are those who, with great inventiveness and inspiration, propose scenarios where it is resolved the problem of those of us who did not get their sacred portions of the different cakes that there were to be split. Fortunately, we know that if not now, at least in the future they'll fix it; we're not getting a taste of it though. Calculations indicate that the inhabitants of the future will have fairer, more humane and egalitarian policies.
Proposals towards a world without borders. (Taken from "El quinto poder: La solidaridad activa" [The fifth power: Active solidarity] by Xavier Masllorens.
Solutions proposed to solve the great problems of humanity. (Taken from: "Intelligent Design: The message from the designers by Rael.
Eight questions, whose answer will help humanity to solve their problems: "or, if they remain unanswered, the human race will get extinct." (Taken from: "The problems of humanity: Reflections of the students of the Arcana School on the problems of humanity ". P. 78.,
"Doctor Jeffrey Sachs in his series of Reith Lectures in 2007 in BBC News presented a convincing vision that if we, the entire humanity, work together there is a possibility that we can solve the problems and create a developed, sustainable world, in which all can participate reasonably in the global wealth and in education and development opportunities, as well as in accomplishing personal goals." (Taken from: "The problems of humanity: Reflections of the Arcana School on The Problems of Humanity".
"The land and its products belong to humanity as a whole, and there will come a time when fundamental needs, foods like wheat, steel and iron, oil and coal will be recognized as belonging to all human beings and therefore they must be equitably distributed by a central economic council, which could be established by United Nations. In this manner one of the fundamental causes of war will end." (Taken from: "The Problems of Humanity: Establishing Right Human Relations". P. 10.
"After the stock exchange system disappears, most of the companies, jointly, will form an ample cooperativistic system, from which independent workers wont be excluded..." (Gallotti, Alicia. "Las profecías del fin del milenio [The prophecies of the end of the millenium]". 1st ed. Bogotá. 1991.
We Want a World Without Borders: Facebook Group (
Let us, now, take a look at the future and see what would have been the scene there if human beings had not made an effort in coming to an agreement upon the solutions: Considering overpopulation, armamentism, climate change, energy crisis, food crisis, the growing breach between rich and poor, the question would have turned sour in such a way that this would had led to that... and that to that... and thus the great conflict had generalized and, as a consequence of such recurring errors, the great cataclysm would have occurred and finally the few that had been able to survive would have had to start almost from cero in terms of science and technology and without money (thanks God), but with the advances achieved day by day (all the way through millions of years) in terms of moral, justice, peace, love, freedom, equity, humbleness, brotherhood, respect to your fellow-men, authority, empathy, honesty, virtue, nobleness, goodness, forgiveness, loyalty, charity, compassion, sense of right and wrong, religion, ideology, sharing, altruism, civic-mindedness, concord, integration, cooperation, life together, organization, unity, globalization...
" This is the outcome with which Humanity is faced, if it does not reach a level of wisdom as high as its level of technology with a 99 per cent probability...
No cause would justify the imposition of pain on others. If the survival of Humanity depended upon the pain inflicted on one man, a single non-violent man, then it would be better to let Humanity perish. Even more so if it means the survival of one's country, or rather a frontier arbitrarily traced on a globe which belongs to all men." (Rael. "Intelligent Desing: Message from the designers". Nova.1st ed. 2005. P. 305, 306, 320.
"Doctor James Lovelock in an interview in The Guardian Newspaper ( on March 1st 2008, stated his conviction that, from a climatic point of view, we have already passed the "point of inflection" and that there is nothing we can do to avoid the planetary significant changes that, from a human perspective, will be catastrophic. (Taken from: "The Problems of Humanity: Reflections of the Arcana School's Students on the Problems of Humanity".