This article used to be entitled "Humans Are God's Children, Animals Are God's Babies"

(April 2017 - last updated: March 2023)

(By Ramón D. Marín)

A piece of steak and two eggs on a plate and a fork and a knife cutting the steak

How much pain, suffering, evil, misery, and blood in a piece of steak! The being who this proof of human perversity belonged to was somebody that used to feel pain, have feelings, and was terrorized and crying like a baby when somebody betrayed him by cutting his throat with a knife for him to bleed to death… It might seem that humans didn't know that killing is a despicable crime. Humans kill over 150 billion animals every year in the world.[1]

More than 150 Billion Animals Slaughtered Every year

358,876 marine animals
183,007 chickens
9,020 ducks
4,960 pigs
3,417 rabbits
2,755 turkeys
2,125 geese
2,054 sheep
1,376 goats

1,164 cows and calves
259 rodents
251 pigeons and other birds
92 buffaloes
64 dogs
16 cats
16 horses
12 donkeys and mules
8 camels and other camelids

“These are the numbers of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries since you opened this webpage. These numbers do NOT include the many millions of animals killed each year in vivisection laboratories. They do NOT include the millions of dogs and cats killed in animal shelters every year. They do NOT include the animals who died while held captive in the animal-slavery enterprises of circuses, rodeos, zoos, and marine parks. They do NOT include the animals killed while pressed into such blood “sports” as bullfighting, cockfighting, dogfighting, and bear- baiting, nor do they include horses and grey-hounds who were exterminated after they were no longer deemed suitable for racing.”[2]

The fact that in the Bible of the Christians, it was not specified that the 5th commandment referred to humans only leaves room to think that it referred to animals as well. Why was it that whoever generated that mandate (according to Moses, it was his God) did not specify? Apparently whoever generated it considered that dilemma should be left for us to discern ourselves. He/they probably thought that if the crowds contravene that mandate referred to humans, even way much more we would infringe it in relation to animals. That is what has actually happened. I wonder why is it that religious leaders seem to have forgotten to ask themselves these questions, which refer to the most enormous HORROR of all time, in spite of having eyes, ears, and a brain. Maybe because they have been meat addicts too; maybe because they are afraid of the political costs of holding a posture against an addiction of the crowds, so they prefer the easy way of turning a blind eye.

If we think of the authority of the cosmos as omniscient, loving, compassionate, and just; we can take it for granted that It considers animals as babies. Why is that? Judging by their intelligence and, at a great extent, by their behavior… only that unlike babies, animals can walk... and jump… and even fly… and live in the water... But they are without any doubt babies trapped in the bodies of elephants, whales, turtles, even dinosaurs... There's no doubt whatsoever that "The Universe" is horrified when humans murder these beloved babies in the name of the better taste of their flesh, to satisfy an addiction of the crowds. Actually, there should not be any doubt that what "The Universe" wants is that we share with them and care for them as much as our compassion and good-heartedness dictates us and not as little as our selfishness and greed allow us to.

Let us not forget that we used to be just as intelligent as them until some 7 or 8 million years ago, and then something happened that made us a little more intelligent, and then another little more, and so on and so forth until we became adults… If humans have a right to life,” where do most humans get the idea that animals do not have that same right? Those in favor of murdering animals hold any amount of irrational arguments to justify their evilness and their addiction.

My profound sympathy for the just causes and my unbearable pain and indignation at the enormous suffering of my brothers and sisters in "The Universe," animals, lead me to conclude that we must do whatever needs to be done to achieve the complete termination of the practice of enslaving, torturing, and murdering innocent animals. There must be a reason for "The Universe" not to intervene in this and other entanglements of this planet, but humans were given intelligence for a reason. That is why I think that we must act as soon as possible to devise a worldwide long-term plan to end this horrendous, daily genocide that offends "The Universe."

Soon to be born Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA is generating a long-term plan of action: due to its mission of supporting "The Universe" in the accomplishment of Its sole purpose, watching for common good; COUSMA sees itself as having a natural call to be the leader of so hugely important a cause as the struggle for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals (see "COUSMA's Vegan Vision As of 2019" and "History of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood: October 2022").

From our perspective, one of the biggest problems that humanity is facing is the worldwide holocaust taking place on a daily basis against the innocent and defenseless animals. This is an entanglement that humanity has been facing since the dawn of history, which COUSMA is aiming at helping to solve. The Romans did not know that putting Christians and lions to fight was a horrendous crime. In the United States, it took a war to free African-Americans from white oppression; achieving women’s rights is a fight that is still in progress; the same happens with the rights of the minorities. The catholics did not know that murdering living beings by burning them on the stake in the name of their God was a despicable crime. That is why this fight is going to last generations upon generations.

What is outlined in the 2 articles mentioned above is a peaceful struggle led by COUSMA to end the daily holocaust against the innocent animal victims and to solve other problems of humanity. There are several components to our idea of the path for animal liberation: the first is to create a vegan voluntary association devoted to helping animals and promoting veganism. There will come a time when this organization gets to be performing its mission on a global scale. Another component is a new kind of company with certain special features. For instance, being vegan or vegetarian is a requirement to work there. There are other components (see the articles mentioned above). What we want to do is create mechanisms that will result (little by little) in the termination of the practice of enslaving, torturing and murdering of innocents by the zillions every day.

And then one day, there will come the World Without Borders (see Vision, Mission and Values of the GBC Party and The Way Out of Nuclear Mire and War): a world where humans will be able to live in peace with "The Universe," ourselves, nature, and especially in peace with our brothers and sisters, animals. One of the goals of the World Without Borders is to find solutions on a global scale to problems like the animal holocaust and others. May "The Universe," enlighten us for the early achievement of the goals and objectives of these humanitarian and noble dream.

It is not naiveness but a proposal that is as valid and strong as the number of supporters that we can gather to keep the fight going. This struggle is going to take generations upon generations to be accomplished, but we believe it is worth all the efforts that it requires from us so it takes as short as possible. The millions upon millions of innocent, defenseless beings being murdered everyday are a testimony of how much this cause needs us.

The World Without Borders is one of the goals that soon to born Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA will fight for. The Global Party for Common Good is one of the "Assignments by COUSMA for common good". These are a bunch of projects that are aimed at helping to find solutions to the biggest problems of the planet.

There is no way that such heinous global injustice against our innocent brothers and sister, animals, can just be allowed to continue forever and ever. The solution to the animal holocaust (which will be found through the "Assignments by COUSMA for common Good") is one of the standards that (by my calculations) have to be reached as part of the process of incorporation of our planet to the intergalactic community (see The Will of The Universe). COUSMA is proposing solutions and wants you to be part of them.

A FINAL REFLECTION: If addiction makes humanity commit such a huge daily genocide against our innocent brothers and sisters, animals, I wonder what we are waiting to find a cure for it.

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