- News on "The Will of the Universe" formerly entitled "Intergalactic Spy" (latest news: September 06, 2022)
- Ramón D. Marín
In 2015, it was concluded that there was something very important we could help the planet with: start some projects aiming at common good. we started thinking about how to bring that thought into reality and gradually some ideas started to come to mind. Today, those projects are called the "Assignments by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA for common good." There is no doubt that they will really help the world someday… (Read More).
- D Real Culprits of d Animal Holocaust
- Ramón D. Marín (September 2019)
God: Let’s give dem some 2 or 3 tousand years believin' dat der sacred books were written by me & dere4 dey’r foolproof; & den all of a sudden we send some poor average Joe 2 tell dem dose books have capital errors 2 b rectified… (Read More).
- Cosma's Vegan Vision As of 2019
- Ramón D. Marín (July 2019)
COSMA, prjSMAC, and RESMA want to propose that all vegans of the world unite and join efforts to help the planet march faster towards veganism. In my opinion it must be a peaceful war against meat addiction that has to be fought fiercely by all vegans of the world. It can be broken down by countries...(Read More).
- Bringing ILW🚲 (Interactional Language Workout) to Life
- Ramón Marín (May 2018)
While I was in the United States, I used to think extensively about why it was that I found it so difficult to communicate in English in real life situations, in spite of having studied English For 4 years in college, been an English teacher for 7 years, and finished graduate studies on English teaching methodologies, which were conducted in English... (Read More).
- The Way Out of Nuclear Mire and War
- Ramón Marín (December 2017)
A #1 power has to have among other things military strength. Since the nuclear race already started, it’s very hard to reverse it because the nuclear powers aren’t going to want to drop their arsenal...(Read More).
- What the Future Will Bring in Matters of Basic Needs
- Ramón Marín (August 2017)
What has been said here is the most that a poor, ignorant, average man on the street, like me can say. We all know that those who make the decisions are the owners of the capital, but...(Read More).
- How Much Violence Does Man Need?
- Ramón Marín (June 2017)
I have a friend named Juan. Juan is 4 years old and lives here in my hamlet. He goes to Los Pitufos School, located near Don Pedro's grocery store. He frequently visits us, usually several times a day...(Read More).
- Humans Are God's Children, Animals Are God's Babies
- Ramón Marín (April 2017 - updated September 2017)
How much pain, suffering, evil, misery, and blood in a piece of steak! The being who this proof of human perversity belonged to was somebody that used to feel pain, have feelings, and was terrorized and crying like a baby when somebody betrayed him by cutting his throat with a knife for him to bleed to death… (Read More).
- Withoutborderism Navigation Chart
- Ramón Marín (August 2016 - updated April 2017)
Utmost respect for individual liberties and human rights, acknowledging that freedom has the potential to be abused... (Read More).
- Why God and the Universe Are Withoutborderist
- Ramón Marín (January 2016)
In the perfect world there are no bellicose confrontations, nor global magnitude catastrophes but since our world is far from perfect, then there are some probabilities for things like that to happen.... (Read More).
- ILW🚲 (Interactional Language Workout) V0.01 Discussion Topics
- Ramón Marín (May 2015 - last updated May 2018)
The following are some important conclusions about language learning/teaching, given my undergraduate and graduate studies in modern languages and English teaching methodologies, my experience as an English teacher, and my almost 9 years of struggling with my English as a second language in real life situations in the United States... (Read More).
- Conflict in the Future
- Ramón Marín (April 2015 - updated April 2017)
Some years ago, the experts predicted that the economical power of the US would be matched by about the year 2050. It seems that this fact is starting to happen already... (Read More).
- From "the Law of the Stronger" to the Law of "Good Is Stronger"
- Ramón Marín (August 2013)
As a consequence of the breach between rich and poor, our species has forked into two kinds of human beings: some rich, beautiful, and intelligent; the others poor, ugly, and not so intelligent, it seems... (Read More).
- The Size of the Task That Is Awaiting Us (Draft)
- Ramón Marín (June 2013)
In this world that we got, we the good, are scattered, shapeless, and barely have air to breathe; while the bad are organized and function like a watch... (Read More).
- It's White, Hens Lay It
- Ramón Marín (April 2013)
Everyone talks about the party according to how it went for him. I know there are American dream stories, but dont say they're many because its not true... (Read More).
- A Draft for a Declaration of Human Obligations
- Ramón Marín (February 2013)
Those of us that were not born rich, geniuses, perfect nor in a good family suffer from scarcity of opportunities that allow us to provide ourselves and our families with our own means of survival; thats why it becomes necessary that the inequalities, proper of beings of bone and flesh be alleviated... (Read More).
- Our Future Has a Lot to Do with Trust
- Ramón Marín (July 2009 - updated April 2013)
God is great, God is love, God is perfect, God provides... and has always been with us all the way along.
We, his beloved children, may disagree on aspects like the specifics of his looks and why he doesn't have wings like the angels, or whether he is male or perhaps female... (Read More).
- Message Sent to the Members of the Group "We Want a World Without Borders"
- Ramón Marín (2009)
Hello people, Im inviting you to reflect about the future.
So far in our planet we have:
Enough land to grow products, build housing, live in peace with God, nature and ourselves.
Enough wealth.
Enough raw materials... (Read More).